Guide To Introductory Courses for Life Sciences Majors

Version 2023.1

Introductory physics courses for

Life Sciences

Sciences related to living systems, broadly defined to encompass all biological sciences (e.g., biological physics, biophysics, medical physics, biochemistry, molecular biology, biomedical engineering, neuroscience, plant biology, ecology, environmental science, astrobiology, and biotechnology), pre-health fields (e.g., pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinarian, pre-nursing, pre-optometry, and pre-pharmacy), and allied health sciences (e.g., kinesiology, physical therapy, sports medicine, medical imaging, and nuclear and radiation medicine).

majors, often including laboratory experiences, serve diverse audiences. Several


National Science Foundation. Website

-funded projects have developed Introductory Physics for Life Sciences (


Introductory Physics for Life Sciences. An introductory physics course or course sequence, often including laboratory experiences, designed to serve life sciences students by integrating physics and life sciences, teaching the core skills of physics in a way that makes them relevant to this population, exploring authentic applications of physics to life sciences, exploring challenges and new questions that life sciences pose to physics, navigating disciplinary differences, and using pedagogical best practices. Overview of recommendations for IPLS courses

) courses that emphasize physics concepts and competencies that are useful to life sciences majors and/or that feature an interdisciplinary curriculum. Others have extended such efforts into intermediate-level physics courses or created entire degree programs. These courses are designed to support students in developing conceptual frameworks and competencies that enable them to use physics to tackle complex scientific problems. This section describes recommendations and guidelines on content and pedagogy that meet the learning outcomes of the programs these courses serve and support students in understanding the synergies between physics and life sciences. Such synergies include authentic applications of physics in the life sciences, biological systems for which physics provides a fundamental understanding of basic processes, and challenges and new questions that life sciences pose to physics.

This section focuses on guidance specific to courses for life sciences majors, with pointers to other sections for more general advice that applies to these courses as well as other courses. The section on Introductory Courses for STEM Majors provides more general guidance on designing physics courses for STEM majors. See the section on Instructional Laboratories and Experimental Skills for more specific guidance on designing laboratory components of introductory courses. The section on Implementing Research-Based Teaching in Your Classroom provides general pedagogical guidance and the section on Supporting Research-Based Teaching in Your Department provides guidance on how to use a cyclic process to design, assess, and improve courses based on student learning outcomes.


Introductory courses for

Life Sciences

Sciences related to living systems, broadly defined to encompass all biological sciences (e.g., biological physics, biophysics, medical physics, biochemistry, molecular biology, biomedical engineering, neuroscience, plant biology, ecology, environmental science, astrobiology, and biotechnology), pre-health fields (e.g., pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinarian, pre-nursing, pre-optometry, and pre-pharmacy), and allied health sciences (e.g., kinesiology, physical therapy, sports medicine, medical imaging, and nuclear and radiation medicine).

majors are often a large component of the service load of physics programs. These courses can sustain physics programs that have few majors by bringing in revenue to support many other aspects of physics programs and departments. There have been many national and local calls for physics programs to make their introductory courses relevant for life sciences majors, with many life sciences programs making physics requirements dependent on the relevance of these courses. Introductory physics courses that integrate life sciences in meaningful ways have been shown to improve students’ conceptual understanding of, level of engagement with, sense of coherence of, sense of relevance of, and appreciation of physics. Teaching these courses well benefits life sciences students because “the principles of physics are central to the understanding of biological processes, and are increasingly important in sophisticated measurements in biology.” (National Academies Consensus Study Report BIO2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists) Because these courses often include more students from marginalized groups than do physics courses for other STEM majors, they provide an opportunity to benefit these students who are often not well served by physics courses. These courses may also inspire students to pursue additional intermediate coursework in medical physics or biological physics and/or bring students to physics departments that offer tracks, minors, or majors in biological physics, medical physics, or related fields. See the section on Degree Tracks for details.

Instructional Staff

Faculty, instructors, adjuncts, teaching staff, and others who serve as instructors of record for courses. This term does not include instructional support staff who support the teaching of courses.

who develop and teach these courses benefit from a sustained process of course revision that supports them in learning about pedagogy and interdisciplinary teaching.

The Cycle of Reflection and Action

Effective Practices

Effective Practices

  1. Determine how the courses in your program or department can best serve life sciences majors

  2. Develop support structures for your department’s introductory courses for life sciences majors

  3. Strategically design your department’s introductory courses for life sciences majors

Programmatic Assessments

Programmatic Assessments

See Resources in the section on Implementing Research-Based Teaching in Your Classroom for resources for teaching introductory physics and beyond.

See Resources in the section on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for resources for using inclusive pedagogy and equitable practices in introductory physics and beyond.

  • Living Physics Portal: An online, open-source, free, web-based environment to support physics faculty in finding, sharing, and adapting curricular materials for


    Introductory Physics for Life Sciences. An introductory physics course or course sequence, often including laboratory experiences, designed to serve life sciences students by integrating physics and life sciences, teaching the core skills of physics in a way that makes them relevant to this population, exploring authentic applications of physics to life sciences, exploring challenges and new questions that life sciences pose to physics, navigating disciplinary differences, and using pedagogical best practices. Overview of recommendations for IPLS courses

    courses and intermediate-level interdisciplinary physics courses. The Portal seeks to improve the education of the next generation of medical professionals and biologists by making physics classes more engaging and relevant for

    Life Sciences

    Sciences related to living systems, broadly defined to encompass all biological sciences (e.g., biological physics, biophysics, medical physics, biochemistry, molecular biology, biomedical engineering, neuroscience, plant biology, ecology, environmental science, astrobiology, and biotechnology), pre-health fields (e.g., pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinarian, pre-nursing, pre-optometry, and pre-pharmacy), and allied health sciences (e.g., kinesiology, physical therapy, sports medicine, medical imaging, and nuclear and radiation medicine).

    students. The Portal provides both a repository of curriculum materials and a community in which educators can discuss these materials and issues that arise when teaching IPLS courses.

Overviews of recommendations for


Introductory Physics for Life Sciences. An introductory physics course or course sequence, often including laboratory experiences, designed to serve life sciences students by integrating physics and life sciences, teaching the core skills of physics in a way that makes them relevant to this population, exploring authentic applications of physics to life sciences, exploring challenges and new questions that life sciences pose to physics, navigating disciplinary differences, and using pedagogical best practices. Overview of recommendations for IPLS courses


  • D. C. Meredith and E. F. Redish, “Reinventing physics for life-sciences majors,” Physics Today 66(7), 38–43 (2013).
  • C. H. Crouch, R. Hilborn, S. A. Kane, T. McKay, and M. Reeves, “Physics for Future Physicians and Life Scientists: a moment of opportunity,” APS News (March 2010).
  • Conference on Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences Report, American Association of Physics Teachers (2015): Summarizes the discussions and recommendations from the 2014


    Introductory Physics for Life Sciences. An introductory physics course or course sequence, often including laboratory experiences, designed to serve life sciences students by integrating physics and life sciences, teaching the core skills of physics in a way that makes them relevant to this population, exploring authentic applications of physics to life sciences, exploring challenges and new questions that life sciences pose to physics, navigating disciplinary differences, and using pedagogical best practices. Overview of recommendations for IPLS courses

    Conference and provides an overview of the challenges of teaching effective IPLS courses. It also contains a list of IPLS resources and a summary of results from the post-conference participant survey.
  • C. A. Brewer and D. Smith (editors), “Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action,” American Association for the Advancement of Science (2011): A report recommending transformations for undergraduate biology education that has implications for teaching IPLS courses.
  • AAMC-HHMI Committee, Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians, Association of American Medical Colleges (2009): A report on learning objectives for the scientific knowledge base needed by future physicians.

Introductory physics textbooks with extensive biological connections

  • Calculus-based: P. R. Kesten and D. L. Tauck, University Physics for the Physical and Life Sciences, MacMillan Learning (2012). Algebra-based: R. A. Freedman, T. Ruskell, P. R. Kesten, and D. L. Tauck, College Physics, MacMillan Learning (2021).
  • Calculus-based: R. D. Knight, B. Jones, and S. Field, University Physics for the Life Sciences, Pearson (2022). Algebra-based: R. D. Knight, B. Jones, and S. Field, College Physics: A Strategic Approach, Pearson (2021).
  • Algebra-based: K. Franklin, P. Muir, T. Scott, and P. Yates, Introduction to Biological Physics for the Health and Life Sciences, Wiley (2019).
  • Algebra-based: E. F. Redish and J. C. Redish, Living Physics: An introductory physics class for life-science students, Top Hat (2023): A textbook developed as part of the NEXUS/Physics project, and also available as a free on-line wiki of readings.
  • Algebra or calculus-based: J. A. Tuszynski and J. M. Dixon, Biomedical Applications for Introductory Physics, Wiley (2001).

Other textbooks written for more advanced or more specialized courses

  • S. A. Kane and B. A. Gelman, Introduction to Physics in Modern Medicine, Routledge (2020).
  • R. K. Hobbie and B. J. Roth, Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, Springer (2015).
  • G. B. Benedek and F. M. H. Villars, Physics with Illustrative Examples from Medicine and Biology, in three volumes, Springer (2000).
  • J. R. Cameron, J. G. Skofronick, and R. M. Grant, Physics of the Body, Medical Physics Publishing (2017).

At many institutions, pre-medical students are a large part of the


Introductory Physics for Life Sciences. An introductory physics course or course sequence, often including laboratory experiences, designed to serve life sciences students by integrating physics and life sciences, teaching the core skills of physics in a way that makes them relevant to this population, exploring authentic applications of physics to life sciences, exploring challenges and new questions that life sciences pose to physics, navigating disciplinary differences, and using pedagogical best practices. Overview of recommendations for IPLS courses

population. They are concerned about doing well on the Medical College Admissions Test (


Medical College Admission Test. A standardized, multiple-choice examination and prerequisite to the study of medicine administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Website


References 1–5 provide evidence for the effectiveness of particular


Introductory Physics for Life Sciences. An introductory physics course or course sequence, often including laboratory experiences, designed to serve life sciences students by integrating physics and life sciences, teaching the core skills of physics in a way that makes them relevant to this population, exploring authentic applications of physics to life sciences, exploring challenges and new questions that life sciences pose to physics, navigating disciplinary differences, and using pedagogical best practices. Overview of recommendations for IPLS courses

courses. See Evidence in the section on Implementing Research-Based Teaching in Your Classroom for evidence on the effectiveness of pedagogical practices recommended for these courses.

  1. B. D. Geller, M. Tipton, B. Daniel-Morales, N. Tignor, C. White, and C. H. Crouch, “Assessing the Impact of Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences on Students’ Ability to Build Complex Models,” Physical Review Physics Education Research 18, 010131 (2022).
  2. D. P. Smith, L. E. McNeil, D. T. Guynn, A. D. Churukian, D. L. Deardorff, and C. S. Wallace, “Transforming the Content, Pedagogy and Structure of an Introductory Physics Course for Life Sciences Majors,” American Journal of Physics 86, 862 (2018).
  3. E. F. Redish, C. Bauer, K. L. Carleton, T. J. Cooke, M. Cooper, C. H. Crouch, B. W. Dreyfus, B. D. Geller, J. Giannini, J. S. Gouvea, M. W. Klymkowsky, W. Losert, K. Moore, J. Presson, V. Sawtelle, K. V. Thompson, C. Turpen, and R. K. P. Zia, “NEXUS/physics: An interdisciplinary repurposing of physics for biologists,” American Journal of Physics 82(5), 368–377 (2014).
  4. C. H. Crouch and K. Heller, “Introductory physics in biological context: An approach to improve introductory physics for life science students,” American Journal of Physics 82(5), 378–386 (2014).
  5. G. R. Van Ness and R. Widenhorn, “Engaging the community through an undergraduate biomedical physics course,” American Journal of Physics 80(12), 1094–1098 (2012).
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 1738311, 1747563, and 1821372. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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