Mary Mogge

Editorial Board Member (2023-2024)

Department of Physics and Astronomy at California State Polytechnic University

Mary Mogge (December, 1943 - November, 2024) served as professor emerita of The Department of Physics and Astronomy, and member of the College of Science Dean’s Council, at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Cal Poly Pomona is a Hispanic-Serving Institution located in Eastern LA County. Approximately 50 percent of its students are first-generation college students. The university ranks consistently high on undergraduate degrees awarded to minority students and the upward mobility of its graduates. Mary taught at Cal Poly for over thirty years and served as department chair for six. She was instrumental in developing a first-year experience course for physics majors as well as courses for preservice teachers.

Mary was a member of the AAPT Board of Directors for a total of eight years, four years of which were in the presidential chain.  She was a coach of the US Physics Team (sponsored by AAPT and AIP) for eleven years, seven of those as its academic director.  She also did exam development work, serving on the College Board Physics C Advanced Placement development committee (two years as its chair) and the ETS GRE subject test in physics development committee.

Dr. Mogge received her bachelor’s degree in physics from Carleton College, master’s degree from the State University of New York as Stony Brook, and Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics from the Florida State University.

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