Supplement: Connecting Desired Student Behaviors and Optimal Spaces

Credit: Jon Gaffney

For more on using physical spaces to support learning, see the section on The Physical Environment: Collaboration and Learning.

Desired behavior
Optimal spaces
Unsupportive spaces
Features to consider
Lecture hall
Fixed round-table classroom; lounge; lab space with equipment in the way
Clear front to classroom; open space for demonstrations; chalkboard or whiteboard; audio/video recording capabilities
Fixed round-table classroom; open workspace
Lecture hall (except when discussing in pairs); fixed laboratory space with equipment in the way
Ability for students to see each other and each other’s names
Fixed round-table classroom; open workspace
Lecture hall; fixed laboratory space with equipment in the way
Lots of whiteboards; space for students to move around
Formal: lecture hall; informal: open workspace
Fixed round-table classroom; lounge; lab space with equipment in the way
Whiteboard or chalkboard; audio/video recording capabilities
Seek information
Open workspace; fixed round-table classroom; fixed laboratory space
Lecture hall
Computers or space for computers; room for instructor to interact directly with students
Fixed or flexible laboratory space; fixed round-table classroom with room for equipment
Lecture hall; open workspace
Easy and universal access to equipment; tables appropriate to the size of student groups and the desired level of interaction with equipment
Write code or use simulations
Open workspace; computer classroom
Rooms without adequate technology or space
Computers; internet; desks large enough to comfortably use computers; appropriate layout for instructor and students to see each other’s work
Lounge; laboratory space; round-table classroom
Lecture hall
Comfortable furniture; ability for students to see each other; access to food, beverages, and kitchen appliances
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 1738311, 1747563, and 1821372. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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