EP3 Events

1 upcoming event

  • How to facilitate a culture of ethical conduct

    November 01, 2024 | 03:00 PM EST

    Presented by David Craig, Michael Jackson, Christine O’Donnell

    The Effective Practices for Physics Programs (EP3) Initiative is designed to empower program leaders (current and future) to create and sustain effective departmental change. This includes the area of professional ethics - whether the ethical conduct of science, publication ethics, or general conduct that includes ethical mentoring and instructional practices. In this two-hour, interactive session, individuals associated with the EP3 Initiative, APS, and other facilitators will share principles and practices that will help astronomers and physicists at all career stages support a culture conducive to ethical conduct. While we will discuss how to access resources at your institution, facilitators and panelists will not be able to provide advice on any specific individual ethical dilemmas individuals are facing. To facilitate a safe environment where attendees feel free to discuss their experiences, we will not be recording the session. This workshop is part of the AAS/APS Equity Educator Workshop series.

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