Member (2023-2025)
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Theodore Hodapp is a Program Director for science at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, joining the foundation in 2021 after 17 years at the American Physical Society (APS) as Director of Project Development and earlier as Director of Education and Diversity. While at APS he helped develop and led several programs to address critical issues facing physics and physicists including the APS Bridge Program, which is erasing the achievement gap for underrepresented minorities between bachelor’s and doctoral completion, the APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities (CU*iP), the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC), and the Effective Practices for Physics Programs (EP3), where he served as project director and on the leadership team for many years.
He received his doctorate in physics at the University of Minnesota in quantum optics, investigating atom-photon interactions and pursued further research in laser cooling and trapping at NIST and optical modeling and design of commercial products at the 3M corporation. Prior to working at APS he served as professor and ultimately chair of the physics department at Hamline University, and served as a Program Officer at the National Science Foundation in the Division of Undergraduate Education. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the AAAS.